If you want to exchange a product - Unfortunately we are unable to exchange items as we cannot guarantee having your item in due to fast moving stock. We suggest that you purchase the correct item from our website and return the original order to us.
If the item is faulty or damaged from new - If an item arrives faulty or damaged from new we will arrange for the item to be replaced wherever possible. This could involve a courier collecting the faulty item from yourself or you returning the product and getting a replacement delivered.
If your product developes a fault - If you have an issue with a product that we supplied that goes on to develop a fault within its warranty period, we can help. The process for warranty resolutions will vary depending on the brand and product please see our product warranty page. If you are having an issue, please contact us and we will help to get the problem resolved as quickly and easily as possible. In most cases an item that develops a fault will need to be inspected first prior to a replacement being supplied.
Where the item is not wanted or has been ordered incorrectly - If there is nothing wrong with your product or you have ordered the incorrect product and you just want to send it back, returns must be arranged within 14 days for a refund. The item must be in brand new condition with all of its original packaging. Please note that we will only reimburse the cost of the product and not any delivery charges you may have paid. Unfortunately we are unable to offer free returns at this time, so the cost of return postage will be covered by yourself. How you return the item to us is up to yourself and we advise using a tracked service as we cannot otherwise be liable for any items that go missing following return.
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